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True JOY Curriculum: Free Sample Lesson (download only)

True JOY Curriculum: Free Sample Lesson (download only)

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This is the free sample lesson from our True Joy: 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum. This is lesson #2 in the unit. If you enjoy this lesson, please consider purchasing the complete series.

Everyone wants to be happy, but finding True JOY comes from following God’s directions. This 4-week study looks at the two great commandments that Jesus’ explains in Matthew 22:36-40. Built around the acronym J-O-Y, these lessons will help kids know what it means to love God and others. As followers of Christ, our greatest JOY comes when we seek a deeper relationship with Jesus while obeying his Word.

This curriculum is flexible enough to handle wide age groups in even the smallest Sunday School. We have included “more than enough” with each lesson to help you adapt to every teaching situation. Use what you can to teach the main idea, even if your class time does not allow for all activities.

About This Curriculum

  • Perfect for ages 6 to 12
  • Designed for small churches
  • Instant digital download - no items will be mailed
  • Flexible teaching activities
  • Includes easy-print PDF format
  • Includes easy-edit Microsoft Word files
  • Unlimited permission to share directly with volunteers or families in your church
  • ESV Translation Included, but adaptable to any Bible version

Each Lesson Includes

  • Large group lesson
  • K-1st small group discussion
  • 2nd-5th small group discussion
  • Memory verse activity
  • Full color memory verse poster
  • Multiple age-appropriate learning activities: craft, skit, or games
  • Coloring sheet
  • Parent take home sheet



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Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Darrin Caraway
A lot of value for the price.

I did not teach through this or use it with any other teachers, I simply used it as a tool to review the format. After examining this lesson, I purchased the whole year curriculum to use on our Wednesday Night Childrens program.

Loice Orege

Great teaching

Antionette Myers
Satisfied Leader

I utilize the lessons for children's church and they are easily accessible and broken down where the children are able to understand and become in engaged

keosha stephens
Great Lesson

Thank you for the Lesson. I liked how it showed the transitions Peter went through. This lesson taught me as well, not just the kids I teach. Would be nice to have the whole curriculum free : )

Joan Williams
excellent title

Like the focus is on Christian character.

carol kane

I have passed along your name and a description of how pleased I have been with many of your offerings. I teach 5th Faith Formation and have for many yrs....(more than 30) and I have found your materials more than helpful. Our students are lacking in imagination and when trying to teach an abstract like religion concepts every little bit helps. To those I have passed your info. along, they have been very positive in their feedback to me. So please continue to do what you do so well!
Thank you

Leslie Carpenter
Teaching is a joy

I love how the lesson includes an activating strategy to engage children and to connect to the body of the lesson. As with other lessons, the children always have fun with the game. The body of the lesson provides them with how love can bring us joy, which lasts forever. The lesson format of first gathering as a large group and then breaking out into age appropriate groups meets the needs of our one room schoolhouse approach to teaching. It is an effective lesson that is fun to teach. I

Gloria Kumawu
True Joy Curriculum

Very helpful, very well researched. Touches on issues that one can very easily take for granted. A lot of information in there. have to break it into many other smaller lessons. great material no doubt.

Floarine WilsonVery well laid out

Awesome to use virtually since some Christian w groups are not in church at this time
Student would love session and udead

G Ajay kumar
Children. are enjoying in coloring

God bless this ministry its very useful to people like in India who can't effort the price, thank you so much for your kind heart

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