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301 Bible Trivia Questions & Answers (free download)

301 Bible Trivia Questions & Answers (free download)

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301 Bible quiz questions for your children's ministry. These trivia will test your knowledge of Scripture. Use this as an instant game time in Sunday School or children's church. 

This collection includes true / false, multiple-choice, and some fill in your own answer Bible puzzlers. With 301+ questions, there is something for everyone.

Example: Section #1 Questions about the Bible

Use these Bible trivia questions for kids in a general review when teaching what is scripture. Q = Question, A = Quiz Answer

True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written. (by copies sold)
A: True

Q: What is the first book in the Bible?
A: Genesis

Q: What is the last book in the Bible?
A: Revelation

Q: What four books tell about Jesus life on Earth?
A: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Q: Which book did Jesus directly write?
A: None

Q: What is the longest book in the Bible?
A: Psalms

True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms.
False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.

Q: What is the shortest book in the Bible?
A: 3 John

Q: How many books are in the Bible?
A: 66

Q: How many books in the Old Testament?
A: 39 books in the OT

Q: How many books in the New Testament?
A: 27 books in the NT

Q: Which NT book has Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount?
A: Matthew

Ture or False: The Bible was first written in the English language?
A: False

Q: In what language was most of the Old Testament given?
A: Hebrew

Q: In what language was most of the New Testament given?
A: Greek

Q: Which human author wrote the most books?
A: Paul wrote 13 books.

Q: Which human author wrote the most words in the Bible?
A: Moses wrote 125,139 words. (source)

Q: What was most likely the first Gospel written?
A: Mark

Q: What was most likely the last Gospel written?
A: John

Q: What was most likely the first of Paul’s letters written?
A: 1 Thessalonians

Q: What was most likely the last New Testament book written?
A: Revelation

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Debbie Haggard


Anne Webb

301 Bible Trivia Questions & Answers (free download)

Sherri Davis

Everyone is very friendly, helpful. Always accommodating to changes our church needs to make .

Sandra Miller
Very helpful material

I love all the material. It will be very helpful for Sunday School children. Thank you!

Gary Strugari
301 Bible Trivia Questions.

Absolutely awesome. Kids love the questions. Thank you so much.

kathy lamotte
Great Product

Thank you so much for blessings others with your wonderful and useful products that are used to share Jesus with the next generation. I really appreciate all you do for Children's Ministry and for offer so much free of charge. May the Lord bless your ministry!

Sherry Cunningham

Have not used the trivia game as yet but looking forward to it.

Marie Chu

301 Bible Trivia Questions & Answers (free download)

Lynette Israel
Great questions

I am looking forward to using your list of Bible questions in my Kidz Club at church. I was going to make up my own questions, and am so glad you saved me all that work!!!


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