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All Things New: 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

All Things New: 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

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🚸 Ages 6-12 Years Old

"All Things New" is a four-part study for kids on the New Creation. Use this curriculum in your kids church or Sunday School to share the hope of eternity in your teaching. 

One of God’s greatest promises is that this life is not all there is—we can spend eternity with him. But what will that eternity look like? What does the Bible really teach us about heaven? This 4-week session will help children understand—and become excited about—this Biblical view of heaven.

🎉 Click here to download week #1 as a free sample lesson.

Memory Verse: Revelation 21:5a

He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"

Curriculum Overview:

  1. “New Creation” Isaiah 11:6-9. This week, we will explore how the renewal Jesus brings at his Second Coming will affect nature itself in the New Creation. We will look at the current state of creation and compare that with God’s original design when He called it “good.” 
  1. “New Jerusalem” Revelation 21:2-3. This week, we will explore how that renewal will affect God’s relationship with his people, the church: what the Bible calls the New Jerusalem. This New Jerusalem is when God finally, once and for all, dwells among His people. The Bible compares it to a bride as well as to the temple, themes which we will explore through the lesson.
  1. “New Bodies” Philippians 3:20-21. This week, we will explore how that renewal will affect even our own bodies. We will look at what the Bible tells us about the new body Jesus received with His resurrection and what we can learn from that about the resurrected bodies we will receive in heaven. We will also examine some of the ways these new bodies will be the same as well as different from the bodies we experience right now. Most importantly, we will discuss how these new bodies will be free of the effects of sin and what that will be like as we enjoy the New Heavens and the New Earth when Jesus returns.
  1. “New Hearts” Ezekiel 36:26. This week, we will explore how that renewal will affect even our own hearts. We will look at what the Bible says about the state of our hearts currently–and then about how God intends to change our hearts. While God will ultimately transform our hearts when Jesus returns so that they never sin again, one of the key parts of our discussion today will be the fact that we don’t have to wait for heaven for this part of the renewal process: God is beginning it even now!

    Attention Keeping Learning Activities 

    • Easy to teach lesson plan
    • Discussion questions and prayer
    • Memory verse activity
    • Printable word search worksheets
    • Bible story coloring pages
    • Parent take home review sheets
    • Craft activities with example photos

    Perfect for Children's Ministry or Sunday School

    Use this Bible study in your children's ministry, kids church, or Sunday School. Our curriculum includes everything you need to keep the children's attention, get them into God's Word, and help them grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

    • 56-pages of teaching material
    • perfect for children aged 6 to 12 (Kindergarten to 6th grade)
    • designed for small churches
    • instant digital download in one print-friendly PDF file
    • flexible teaching activities designed for elementary aged students
    • unlimited permission to share directly with volunteers or families in your church
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