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David and Goliath (Free Sunday School Lesson) 1 Samuel 17

David and Goliath (Free Sunday School Lesson) 1 Samuel 17

$0.00 - FREE

Enjoy this free sample lesson from Back To School: 4-Week Sunday School Curriculum for Children’s Ministry.  If you enjoy this teaching format, check out the complete four-lesson series. 

Lesson 1: "God is My Helper"

  • Main Idea: God empowers us to face our greatest challenges.
  • Bible Story: David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
  • Life Connection: Just as God empowered David to defeat Goliath, we can trust God to help us face any challenge.
  • Gospel Connection: Jesus, our Savior, conquered sin and death. By trusting in His sacrifice, we are empowered to share His love and strength with others.

About the "Back To School" Curriculum Series

As children head back to school, it's a crucial time to remind them that God is always with them, no matter their challenges. The "Back to School" curriculum is designed to equip children with a deep sense of God's presence and support through engaging Bible stories, practical life applications, and a clear Gospel message. This curriculum prepares kids for the academic challenges ahead and empowers them to share the love of Jesus with their peers, making a significant impact in their schools and communities.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Invaluable source

I appreciate the content you provide. The lesson on David and Goliath captivated the children's attention, leaving them with an enriched understanding of God's principles. Your resources are invaluable as it has aided in preparing numerous remarkable lessons for the Children's Church.

Jenny Giles

David and Goliath (Free Sunday School Lesson) 1 Samuel 17

Elizabeth Garcia

David and Goliath (Free Sunday School Lesson) 1 Samuel 17


David and Goliath (Free Sunday School Lesson) 1 Samuel 17

Sandra Portis

Very good product and met my needs.

Sheila Guillory
Sunday school

I am new to helping with K-3 Sunday school and these downloads will help me get some great ideas!

Rebecca Walker
Well done Sunday School Store

Yes we'll done you have produced a brilliant help which all childrens workers really my contains exactly all the elements for a great of the list it's based on the Bible and has a relevant application for today's kids and is easy to follow.....with the activity pages that I'm sure we all struggle to obtain.....I have passed all the information on to the lady in charge in my church and I'm hoping she signs up for it

chua teik seng
Sunday School Lesson

Awesome. Easy to understand and use for teaching


The lesson plan was informative, and the children will like the activities included
Thank you

Holly Tichenor

David and Goliath (Free Sunday School Lesson) 1 Samuel 17

New & Popular Children's Ministry Curriculum

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