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M&M Easter Poem: The Sweet Truth of Easter (FREE PDF Download)

M&M Easter Poem: The Sweet Truth of Easter (FREE PDF Download)

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The M&M Easter Poem is a short, religious poem that tells the sweet truth of Easter. This cute and engaging poem is perfect for kids and church groups, and it even includes a rhyming easter egg hunt poem! The M&M Easter Poem is the perfect way to celebrate Easter this year.

About the M&M Easter Poem for Children's Church

  • This short religious poem is a perfect way to share the Gospel at Easter.
  • Written by Bethany Darwin (see all her Easter Lessons for Children's Church)
  • Thousands of churches have used this short rhyming easter egg hunt poem
  • 100% free to print templates, attach M&M fun size, and share with kids at your church

For 200+ lessons by Bethany Darwin and many other ministry resources, please click here.

Full Text: The Sweet Truth of Easter Poem for Kids

These candies tell a story.
The best news you’ll ever hear.
It’s about Jesus dying on the cross, so that we could be brought near.

So hold them and turn them and you will see... the “M” become a “W”an “E” and then a “3′′
The “E” stands for Easter:
God’s everlasting love and His eternal plan.
It reminds us of the cross
and the way God rescued sinful man
The “3" represent the 3 days Jesus spent in the grave.
By His death, His children He did save.

The “M” reminds us of the mercy the Messiah showed as He died in our place.
and the miracle of the resurrection so we can see Him face to face.

The “W” reminds us that He alone is worthy of our worship and praise and calls us to be His witnesses
around the world for all of our days.

Free Printable M&M Poem about Jesus Christ for Preschoolers at Church

Easter is a time for many things: bunnies, eggs, and of course, candy. But what is the real meaning of Easter? This M&M Easter poem will share the sweet truth of Easter with you!

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