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M&M Easter Poem: The Sweet Truth of Easter (FREE PDF Download)

M&M Easter Poem: The Sweet Truth of Easter (FREE PDF Download)

$0.00 - FREE

The M&M Easter Poem is a short, religious poem that tells the sweet truth of Easter. This cute and engaging poem is perfect for kids and church groups, and it even includes a rhyming easter egg hunt poem! The M&M Easter Poem is the perfect way to celebrate Easter this year.

About the M&M Easter Poem for Children's Church

  • This short religious poem is a perfect way to share the Gospel at Easter.
  • Written by Bethany Darwin (see all her Easter Lessons for Children's Church)
  • Thousands of churches have used this short rhyming easter egg hunt poem
  • 100% free to print templates, attach M&M fun size, and share with kids at your church

For 200+ lessons by Bethany Darwin and many other ministry resources, please click here.

Full Text: The Sweet Truth of Easter Poem for Kids

These candies tell a story.
The best news you’ll ever hear.
It’s about Jesus dying on the cross, so that we could be brought near.

So hold them and turn them and you will see... the “M” become a “W”an “E” and then a “3′′
The “E” stands for Easter:
God’s everlasting love and His eternal plan.
It reminds us of the cross
and the way God rescued sinful man
The “3" represent the 3 days Jesus spent in the grave.
By His death, His children He did save.

The “M” reminds us of the mercy the Messiah showed as He died in our place.
and the miracle of the resurrection so we can see Him face to face.

The “W” reminds us that He alone is worthy of our worship and praise and calls us to be His witnesses
around the world for all of our days.

Free Printable M&M Poem about Jesus Christ for Preschoolers at Church

Easter is a time for many things: bunnies, eggs, and of course, candy. But what is the real meaning of Easter? This M&M Easter poem will share the sweet truth of Easter with you!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 57 reviews
M Heintz
Sweet idea to share

I've printed the first page and will cut them in two, fold with the colored picture out and staple a little bag of M & Ms in between. I'll be handing those out at church Easter Sunday. Very nice. Thank you for your generous, free downloads. May the Lord bless your efforts in reaching others for Jesus. You are appreciated!!

Eveline John

Sharing the easter event and the reason for the Lord's sacrifice with this poem and using the sweets is a fun and memorable activity which will remain for a long time on the minds of the children. Thank you

Julie Pang
Easter poem

It is very useful and can be used as an evangelistic tool with children n adults alike. Thank you.


M&M Easter Poem: The Sweet Truth of Easter (FREE PDF Download)

Diane Gudatis
Love it!

Another treasure to share the joy and hope of Easter with the true meaning of why this holiday and truly every day is to be celebrated. Sincere Thanks and Blessings.

Paula Seymour


Gloria Gilson
Family Liaison

Some of the teachers loved them. I also gave them out to the waitress who waited on us. I love it.

Susan Park
Planning to use this on Easter Day

We have a small church with only 2 children in our Sunday School. I plan to use the poem with the children on Easter day in Sunday School. Then during the announcements at the end of the service, have them use big M's to tell the congregation the 4 ways to look at it and what each way means. We will have the poem printed out and small bags of M&Ms for them to pass out to the congregation. Thank you.

Carolyn Hilliard

It was very nice!

Linda Leedham
The sweet truth of Easter

Thank you for producing this lovely poem for Easter, for churches to use, as one of three Sunday school teachers in our church, I used this on Easter Sunday.
I made a 4 large circular card for three younger children to wear in front of them to represent m& m characters each one with an M W E and a 3 written on them while the older children took turns to read out sections of the poem . This was used to show the congregation what the children had done in Sunday school that morning. It went down well and as suggested each child took home a copy of the poem with sweets attached

Thank you for the inspiration and allowing us to use it