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Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me (Mark 8:27-38) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities PDF

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me (Mark 8:27-38) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities PDF

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🚸 Ages 6-12 Years Old

Life isn’t easy. This is no surprise to most of us, but we sometimes hope to shelter kids from the challenges that surround us. It’s important to share with children that, although this world has trials, God is with us through them and helps us with them. This lesson is a reminder that we can’t argue with God’s plan. We don’t always understand His will and His ways, and things might not go as we’d hope. However, everything happens for a reason, and we can trust that God has our best in mind in the end, and He gives us strength for the journey. 

 We don’t always want to hear about denying ourselves and suffering for the sake of Christ. After all, doesn’t God love us? Shouldn’t a Christian life be full of blessing? This passage can be a hard one to swallow, but it’s important to recall that the Lord is with us through all that happens. In fact, Jesus suffered most of all, giving His own life for us. Because of that suffering, we know He walks with us through hard things and understands them. Jesus paid the ultimate price and fulfilled God’s plan for salvation. We can trust that God’s plan for our lives will come to great things in the end, even if we walk through challenges. 

"A Challenge Worth Taking - Mark 8:27-38 is a Christian Bible study lesson for children that aims to help them understand that God has a plan for their lives, even when things are tough. The lesson discusses the importance of following Jesus and trusting in His promises, even when we don't understand everything that's happening. It also encourages kids to be willing to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of following Jesus. The lesson includes a variety of activities that help kids engage with the material and apply it to their own lives.

Passage: Mark 8:27-38

Target Audience: Kindergarten-6th grade 

Materials Needed: Jigsaw puzzles; construction paper; decorative supplies; glue; markers or crayons; tape; scissors; paper bags; string; Bibles.

More Resources Online

                    Easy-Prep Bible Lesson

                    • Target Age: elementary school, adaptable for K-6th grades
                    • Translation: choose NIV, ESV or KJV
                    • Stand-alone lesson plan
                    • Instant digital download
                    • Flexible teaching plan for mixed age groups
                    • Ideal for Kids' Church or Sunday School (45-60 minutes teaching time)

                    Attention Keeping Activities

                    • Object Lesson with video demonstration
                    • Game Suggestions
                    • Easy To Follow Teaching Plan
                    • Craft Ideas with video demonstration 
                    • Coloring Page
                    • Word Find Worksheet
                    • Memory Verse Poster
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                    Customer Reviews

                    Based on 10 reviews
                    MYRNA FERGUSON
                    Sunday school lessona

                    We have just finished our first lesson and are looking forward to sharing the love of Jesus with the children. The lesson was easy to follow and didn’t take hours to prepare.

                    Karen Hinson
                    Great lesson

                    My Sunday school class enjoyed this lesson. Was really based for the right age and really kept their attention.

                    Tshepo Mphahlele
                    Love Builds Up

                    Perfect lesson for kids. Material is great for spiritual learning

                    Dear C
                    Sunday School

                    This helps me a lot in my sunday school. It's fun and very helpful.

                    Shelly Elardo
                    Easter poem

                    Love it !!

                    Take up your cross

                    Thank you for this. I found it a helpful approach to verses not easy for a child to understand.

                    Diane Gudatis
                    Such a gift

                    It is such a blessing and true gift to have these resources available! Many Thanks for sharing!

                    Lisa Deitz

                    Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me (Mark 8:27-38) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities PDF

                    Tusipaia Mamaia
                    This is very interesting cause it's very helpful for having resources needed for Sunday school


                    Sheryl Brown
                    Pastor Wife

                    Loved the lessons.