The Bronze Snake Lifted Up (Numbers 21:4-9) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities PDF

The Bronze Snake Lifted Up (Numbers 21:4-9) Printable Bible Lesson & Sunday School Activities PDF

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HEADS UP šŸšØ This lesson plan is part of the FOUNDATIONS Bible Curriculum (Ages 6-12). Save $659 off regular price and with the complete 12-month scope & sequence.

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šŸšø Ages 6-12 Years Old

In this lesson, we consider how God rescues us and is with us. The snake bites and bronze serpent cure of Numbers 21 might seem a little odd, but the passage points to a greater savior. Just as looking at the snake on a pole helped the Israelites live, we look to Jesus on the cross for life. This message discusses various cures for things and how Jesus is ultimately our cure and answer for all that we need, most importantly rescue from sins!Ā 

The story of the snake in the wilderness can be a strange one for young children to consider. However, it has a wonderful message reminding us of Godā€™s mercy and faithfulness. While itā€™s hard to imagine the devastation of killer snake bite punishments, the ā€œantidoteā€ is a foreshadowing of Christ. The Israelites didnā€™t need to fear death when the bronze snake was near. We donā€™t need to fear death because we know Jesus is always close to us and promises to give us eternal life. He is the cure for sin and death, and will be with us always!Ā 

ā€œLifted up to Rescue - Numbers 21:4-9ā€ is a Christian educational resource that aims to teach children about the story of the bronze serpent in Numbers 21 and how it points to Jesus as the cure for sin and death. The lesson includes a discussion about how God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness, even when they were complaining and ungrateful. God sent poisonous snakes to punish the people, but He also provided a way for them to be saved. When they looked at the bronze serpent, they were healed. The lesson goes on to explain that Jesus is like the bronze serpent. He was lifted up on the cross so that we could be saved from our sins. When we look to Jesus, we are healed and have eternal life. The resource also includes a number of activities that can be used to reinforce the lesson, such as a snack activity, a game of freeze tag, and a craft project.

Passage: Numbers 21:4-9 (Also reference John 3:14-21)

Target Audience: Kindergarten-6th gradeĀ 

Materials Needed: Medicines or other ailment ā€œcureā€ items; snake pictures or toys; construction paper or cardstock; markers or crayons; decorative supplies; Popsicle sticks; pipe cleaners; scissors; glue or tape; Bibles.

More Resources Online

                    Easy-Prep Bible Lesson

                    • Target Age: elementary school, adaptable for K-6th grades
                    • Translation: choose NIV, ESV or KJV
                    • Stand-alone lesson plan
                    • Instant digital download
                    • Flexible teaching plan for mixed age groups
                    • Ideal for Kids' Church or Sunday School (45-60 minutes teaching time)

                    Attention Keeping Activities

                    • Object Lesson with video demonstration
                    • Game Suggestions
                    • Easy To Follow Teaching Plan
                    • Craft Ideas with video demonstrationĀ 
                    • Coloring Page
                    • Word Find Worksheet
                    • Memory Verse Poster
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