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What Really Matters! 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

What Really Matters! 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

Regular price $75
Regular price $75.00 Sale price $75
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This curriculum has been retired from our active catalog but remains available as part of The Legacy Vault Bundle. Click below to learn more.

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🚸 Ages 6-12 Years Old

Life changes when we focus on what matters to God! This 8-week study is built upon Paul's famous "think about these things" passage:

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

With all the distractions of today how do we teach kids to focus on WHAT REALLY MATTERS!? We find in our Scripture a letter to the church in Philippi from the Apostle Paul, a follower and messenger of the teachings of Jesus. Paul is writing to the church to help them fully experience the joy of their faith (Philippians 1:25). In Paul’s letter he instructs the church to focus their thoughts and actions on WHAT REALLY MATTERS! (Philippians 1:10).  We can follow these same instructions today.

Kids grades K-5 can participate in this eight-lesson study at church or at home. Each WHAT REALLY MATTERS! lesson offers prayer, activity, Scripture discussion questions, craft with supply list, and coloring page.

Through these simple one-page lessons using Philippians 4:8 as a guide, kids can learn to live their faith more fully right now by fixing their thoughts and actions on WHAT REALLY MATTERS!

This curriculum is flexible enough to handle a wide range of age groups in even the smallest Sunday school. We have included “more than enough” with each lesson to help you adapt to every teaching situation. Use what you can to teach the main idea, even if your class time does not allow for all activities. This would be a perfect mid-week lesson series.


  • 42-page print-friendly download
  • Perfect for ages 6 to 12
  • Designed for small churches with simplified teaching activities
  • Includes access to source files and easy-edit Microsoft Word files
  • Unlimited permission to share directly with volunteers or families in your church
  • NLT Translation Included, but adaptable to any Bible version


  • Easy to use lesson plan
  • Group discussion questions
  • Age-appropriate learning activities
  • Two coloring sheet choices (older & younger kids)
  • Parent take home sheet
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