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6-Week Easter Sunday School Lesson Curriculum: The Work that Jesus Has Done

6-Week Easter Sunday School Lesson Curriculum: The Work that Jesus Has Done

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This Easter, teach kids the Easter Story like never before. Give them a bigger picture of the cross and the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross. Through these 6 Easter Sunday School lessons, kids will walk with Jesus from the garden, through His trials, to the cross and the empty tomb all to come to the point of understanding that Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved.

These six Bible lessons are best taught in the 3 weeks leading up to Easter, Easter Sunday, and the 2 weeks after Easter. Use them in your children's ministry or Sunday School to teach kids the real Bible story of Easter.

For 200+ lessons by Bethany Darwin and many other ministry resources, please click here.

Easter Sunday School Lessons for 2023

  • Start these Easter Sunday School lessons on March 19 and complete the curriculum on April 23

"The Work that Jesus Has Done” is part of unit 4 of the “Big Truths for Young Hearts” year-long curriculum series. We have selected the key points of the Easter Story for this special 8-part Easter Sunday school lesson.

In this book, Dr. Ware unpacks the riches of God’s word in a systematic way designed to help kids to grasp the big picture of who God is and all He desires us to know through His Word.

This year-long children's ministry curriculum series takes the concepts, or the BIG TRUTHS, presented in the book and provides teachers, parents, and churches with all the resources they need to proclaim those truths to the children in their lives. The curriculum units follow the chapters in Dr. Ware’s book and is perfect for Sunday School or Children's Church Ministry.

Age group: Elementary – K-6/ ages 5-11

Outline of Easter Lessons:

Jesus’ Death Showed God’s Justice and Mercy

  • Text – Matthew 26
  • Jesus Prays in the Garden
  • Main Point – Jesus died because God is both just and merciful

Jesus Paid the Full Penalty for Sin

  • Text – Matthew 26 - 27
  • Jesus’ Trials
  • Main Point – Jesus died to pay the full penalty for sin.

Jesus’ Victory Over Satan by His Payment for Sin

  • Text – Matthew 27
  • Jesus Dies on the Cross
  • Main Point – Jesus defeated Satan when He died on the cross
  • This Easter Sunday school lesson handles the Bible story of how Jesus died on the cross and why it is so important for our faith.

Jesus’ Resurrection: The Proof that Christ’s Death for Sin Worked

  • Text – Mark 16 for Easter Sunday
  • Jesus Rises from the Dead
  • Main Point – Jesus rose victorious over death.
  • Teach this for your Sunday School lesson on Easter Sunday.

Jesus is King Over All

  • Text – Isaiah 9, Philippians 2, Ezekiel 37
  • Jesus is the Promised Forever King
  • Main Point – Jesus is the Forever King

But is Jesus Really the Only Savior?

  • Text – various texts
  • Truths about Jesus
  • Main Point – Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God 

This Easter, bring the story of Jesus to life for your kids with this exciting new Easter Sunday School curriculum! In just six weeks, they'll learn all about why Easter is such an important holiday. From the story of Jesus' birth to his death and resurrection, each lesson is packed with activities and Bible readings that will keep kids engaged and learning. So what are you waiting for? Start your child's Christian education today with Easter Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

The Easter Story for Kids

Each Easter lesson in this Easter children's ministry curriculum is designed to be taught over a 60-90 minute time frame to elementary students (K-6th) and includes the following elements: opening activities, large group worship, large group teaching guides, small group application activities for 2 different age groups, printable activity sheets, memory verse posters, take-home pages for family devotions and more. These Easter Sunday school lessons are flexible enough for small churches to use in any children's ministry Bible lesson.

Looking for a creative way to teach your kids about Easter? Our Easter Sunday School Lessons for Kids will make it easy and fun! This 6-week curriculum takes a child-friendly approach to explaining the meaning of the Easter story, with a focus on Jesus' work in coming to die for our sins and how God raised Him back to life.


  • Introductory Activity
  • Large Group Worship Time
  • Welcome activity
  • Study God’s Word – teaching materials for the Biblical text
  • Prayer
  • Small Group Lessons (2 options – ages 5-8 and ages 8-12)
  • Review
  • Application Small group discussion
  • Memory Verse
  • Prayer
  • All necessary printables and resources
  • Take home – family devotional guide 

 Each Easter Sunday School Lesson in this series will help children discover the meaning of Jesus' sacrifice, why God raised Jesus from the empty tomb by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel story is the heart of the Christian faith but it's more than just Psalm Sunday, Good Friday and Resurrection weekend. God demonstrates his love and plan for Jesus sacrifice through the whole Bible story.


AUTHOR’S BIO: Bethany Darwin spent 20 years working full-time in children’s ministry before recently coming home to raise her son. During her years in children’s ministry, Bethany discovered gaps in available curriculum and often struggled to find a curriculum that worked in her church setting. It was this discovery that awakened a passion in her for writing children’s ministry curriculum and Sunday School Lessons for kids.

Bethany is a popular curriculum writer for Ministry-to-children and you can find many resources of hers there. She is the top selling author on The Sunday School Store. You can connect with Bethany through Facebook at ‘Treasure Trunk Books’ or on IG at ‘Treasure Trunk Kids.’ On these pages, she shares articles and resources for families as well as what she is doing to point her little one to Christ. You can also find other resources of hers there. Bethany is a member of Bethany Bible Church in Thousand Oaks, CA.


Related Ideas for Your Easter Children's Ministry

Easter is a time of year when Christians around the world celebrate Jesus' resurrection. It's a time of joy, hope, and renewal! If you're looking for ways to celebrate Easter with your children's ministry, we've got just what you need. Our coloring pages are perfect for Palm Sunday, and our Easter Sunday school curriculum is sure to engage and teach your students. Let us help you make this Easter season an unforgettable one!

You can find eve more free lesson plans for Easter and Bible stories about how Christ died and God raised Jesus back to life on our free websites:

Do you want to teach your kids about Easter?

Our Bible lessons for kids will help them understand the Easter story. They will learn how Jesus died and God raised him back to life. This is an important part of the Christian faith, and our lessons make it easy for kids to learn.

With our lessons, your children will be able to discover their savior is alive. They will learn about the most important event in history – when Jesus died on the cross and rose again three days later. Make sure your child knows this story by using our Bible lessons for kids.

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