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"The 1st Easter: Story in Pictures" Kids Activity Book (printable download)

"The 1st Easter: Story in Pictures" Kids Activity Book (printable download)

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"The 1st Easter: Story in Pictures" is a fun activity book for the Easter season.

At Easter, churches tend to do a great job of hitting the highlights of the Easter story (triumphant entry, last supper, crucifixion, and resurrection), but it's hard to find time to really dive deep into the full story. "The 1st Easter: Story in Pictures" is the answer to that dilemma. Churches can use these stories as the basis of lessons for weeks leading up to Easter or can share this resource with their families, encouraging them to use it for family worship for 15 days before Easter. Either way, it's a unique and timely Easter resource that children will treasure year after year. 

A printed paperback black & white version of this resource is available on amazon. If you would like to place a bulk order (at a discount) for your church, please email 

For 200+ lessons by Bethany Darwin and many other ministry resources, please click here.



The goal of this resource is for children to grow in their understanding of the Easter story by participating in the reading of the story. In this book, you'll find 15 stories representing Jesus' final days of earthly ministry. In each story, several of the words have been replaced with pictures. Before each story, show your children the pictures they'll see in the story and tell them what word the picture represents, encouraging them to call out that word whenever they see the picture.

Along the top of each picture, you'll find Scripture references for that portion of the story. After reading the story from the book, read the Scripture text while children draw or color the picture for reinforcement.

As well as the stories, this book also contains a few activity pages to use to review the story. Other activities you may want to include in your Easter study are: acting out the stories, creating a countdown to Easter using the story symbols, drawing a timeline, molding the story out of clay, or having children create their own storybooks using the word pictures provided.

Have fun learning the Easter story together and Happy Easter!


Both families and church groups will love using this resource in their Easter celebration. The stories are simple enough to hold the attention of preschoolers, while full of details and opportunities for discussion that older children will appreciate. Plus pages can be printed for coloring to keep little hands busy during storytime.

  • Single-Family License: Intended for private use in the home.
  • Church License: Full permission to share with all the families of your congregation or ministry group.


  • 15 story pages representing Jesus' final days of earthly ministry
  • stories are written with word pictures encouraging children to participate in the reading
  • bonus activity pages
  • both full-color and black/ white versions for ease of use and sharing
  • PDF files you can easily print or email and share with families

A paperback black & white version of this resource is available on amazon. If you would like to place a bulk order (at a discount) for your church, please email 


AUTHOR’S BIO: Bethany Darwin spent 20 years working full-time in children’s ministry before recently coming home to raise her son. During her years in children’s ministry, Bethany discovered gaps in the available curriculum and often struggled to find a curriculum that worked in her church setting. It was this discovery that awakened a passion in her for writing children’s ministry curriculum. 

Bethany is a popular curriculum writer for Ministry-to-children and you can find many resources of hers there. You can connect with Bethany through Facebook at ‘Treasure Trunk Books’ or on IG at ‘Treasure Trunk Kids.’ On these pages, she shares articles and resources for families as well as what she is doing to point her little one to Christ. You can also find other resources of hers there. Bethany is a member of Bethany Bible Church in Thousand Oaks, CA.

More Story of Easter for Kids

 This resource is designed for children to grow in their understanding of the Easter story by participating in reading. In this book, you'll find 15 stories representing Jesus' final days on earth--before he ascended into heaven at age 33! Before each story there are pictures that represent what word was replaced with them during His earthly ministry; encouraging kids also call out whenever they see these images because it may help remember how much time passed between certain events or conversations between characters within these narratives
One thing I LOVE about using visuals like.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Calvary Memorial Church

Love the details and user friendly sheets. I lead a kids ministry for 4-12 year olds. This is interactive for the whole group!Reenforcement of the Easter Story. Front page can be utilized for BINGO!

Susan Wooten
Easter Book

This is a very helpful book in laying out and reinforcing the story. I cut apart the front cover and made Bingo cards, which was a great hit with the kids. Very useful tool. thank you!

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